Friday, August 11, 2006

What We lose in the awake of recent terror?

In recent days we have been exposed to so many strategies, as to how people can come up with killing techniques of its own race. Slowly but meticulously, it is happening at the physical level right in front of us, as we all know. Somewhere in a remote corner of a world a car bomb or human bomb explodes and kills an X number of people; so the news line runs on our bottom of the TV screen, we read it as though it is another piece of news coupled with some Pamela Anderson has decided to remove her breast implant.

Though, what we have failed to realize is that we are deliberately led to lose our innocence of existence by trotting in the path of violence by being immune and numbing to it.

What had prompted me to write this note is that the recent airport alert over here in the US. The recent strategy of terrorizing people’s mind is not happening in the movies or through a novel. It is very real but a failed mission. How I feel about the whole ordeal is like this, more and more we are exposed to the violent part of the human nature. Which in turn sow the seeds of looking and dwelling in the dark chamber of our pessimistic existentiality.

The media is trying to sell whatever it could, by product of that behavior is loss of our innocence by watching the demonstration of how to make a chemical bomb using some chemical components. Why do we need that kind of elaborative demonstration anyway?

It is mind boggling to think and live in this dreadful blood-oil thirsty world. Where are we heading? Can we walk back to where we were, without all these undesired knowledge and wisdom we have been forced to witness?


Anonymous said...

Exactly. Can someone explain why these people are go on giving the ingredients online to make chemical bombs? Be it a curiousity or whatever the hell, I do not get it. Why a commoner want to know something he does not want to be aware of?

Hello people wake up! Morons!!!

தருமி said...

Can we walk back to.......//
no gentleman, it is just a ONE-WAY PATH; no comebacks, no rewinds...

Priya said...

You talk about media.
What about the net you get hundrends of sources....
You don't have to be smart or educated to know these. Its a game and anybody can move it.

Sivabalan said...

//Where are we heading? //

This is what I am also asking myself by looking at my daughter..


இயற்கை நேசி|Oruni said...

//Why a commoner want to know something he does not want to be aware of?//

That is what, I am also asking. What is the point of explaning the specific components in it. Don't they think this might in turn will encourage some rogue gang wanting to test on their skill too.

I think it is a bit too much. If it is a intelligence source that they got the message through, work it out in an undercover manner rather than blowing it up throughout the whole world and terrorizing people.

I do not understand the current media approach either, Andrea, thanks though.

இயற்கை நேசி|Oruni said...


//no gentleman, it is just a ONE-WAY PATH; no comebacks, no rewinds...//

That is too bad. We do not have a remote control to alter what we have done to put it back where it belongs.

Does that mean we can only alter the present and set it on 'the move?' Later on to see how it evolves on to the next level, bigger and better whether it is productive or destructive, that is the case with everything, right?

இயற்கை நேசி|Oruni said...

hi Priya,

//What about the net you get hundrends of sources....
You don't have to be smart or educated to know these. Its a game and anybody can move it.//

Thanks for leaving your foot prints here. Anyway, tell me something Priya, how is it possible you can do something without even having a slightest idea or knowledge of what you wanted to do?

If people who are in the pursuit of discovering something, they should put their mind and heart into it, in order to come up with some construtive outcome, right.

IF we dont want to be there in this awareness plane of making some crude bomb by making trips to local pharma and build one in the sense, why do we want to bring that garbage in our live?

Be it any kind of media source which includes net too... I dont like this way of terrorizing people's everyday lives.

Priya said...

/how is it possible you can do something without even having a slightest idea or knowledge of what you wanted to do?
I said they don't have to be educated coz they are asked to do what they have to. We have seen many involved where educated in US with graduate programs in either engineering or chemical. Theya re the ones who spread the formula as a basic theory to ones who hardly knew.
If you have the solution for the theory it can be easy to follow up.
If you take home made products for making dtergents or soap, how do they do it. Thaz just an example to tell you, a combination can be done with leaders.

இயற்கை நேசி|Oruni said...


//This is what I am also asking myself by looking at my daughter..//

Where are we heading... toward the more choatic world losing lots of our freedom.

We are on that track, please get to read what Dr.Delphine had to say with her recent send off of her loved one... sad isn't it?

இயற்கை நேசி|Oruni said...

hi Doc,

That is correct, heading in the direction of uncertainty and disaster of individual freedom!!

I am ashamed of what had happened to you at the railway station... well, that is going to be the normal thing in the future.

Anonymous said...

hi, new to the site, thanks.